Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Sweetest Thing

As I was working yesterday, Evan was on the other corner of the room playing by the Christmas tree. Yes, the Christmas tree is already up. FYI, we Filipinos have the longest Christmas celebration ever. We start celebrating it as soon as the Ber months (September, October…etc) start. But that’s not what this post is all about…. Going back to my story, Evan suddenly came up to me with his hands behind his back. Smiling, he reached out his hands to me revealing the 3 red poinsettia flowers from the tree and said “I love you, Mommy!”

It was very cute and sweet! In response, I hugged him tightly for a little while. I was so touched, I took a break from work to play with him.


  1. You'll be glad one day that you took the time out to reward him that way. The special closeness you're forming now, will last a lifetime.
    Seasons Greetings

  2. Yeah, kids often surprise moms. Hello, I'm Viviana and decided to give you best blog award for your blog. Nice layout & header! Please get the award from my blog, http://resourcesformomsandkids.com

  3. That is so special! Such a beautiful gift. Spending time with him was an equally nice treat. Gotta luv 'em! P

  4. I agree, the warmth that comes from our kids is hard to measure at times like this. You sure can't bottle it, or it would sell for a fortune.

  5. good flower. very sweat


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