Tuesday, October 6, 2009

There's A Rainbow After The Rain

It has almost been a week since Typhoon Ondoy left, but we have not fully recovered yet. There still are several areas covered with mud or flood water. As they say in the news, it will fully subside after 3 months. Unbelievable, I know.

It is traumatic that we are not even over the pain Ondoy brought us, yet another typhoon with catastrophic effect came... and it looks like stormy days aren’t over yet.

I guess the only good thing that came out of this is that we realized that there still are a lot of heroes in the Philippines. People went out of their way to donate cash, goods or their time to help out Ondoy victims. Some of these people were also affected by the typhoon in one way or another. But found a place in their hearts to reach out to other people.

I just hope that when we start rebuilding, we keep in mind the things we learned from this tragedy. As a mom, I really just hope that our kids will have a better world to live in.


  1. It's really touching to see each individual did their share to help our kababayans. Even the not so rich helped.
    BTW, I love this:
    *Where I'm from, everyone's a hero.*

    I take pride in being a Filipino.

  2. @Butteryfly: Yes, proud to be Pinoy! :D


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